I kicked off week 4 with the usual 14k recovery run. Nothing fancy, just getting out there and keeping the legs turning. I felt great from yesterday's long run and was just eager to get cracking on with the tougher sessions later in the week. It was a really sunny day, so was nice to simply get out there and enjoy a good, steady run.
Tuesday was a day of rest. Rest for me, extra long walks for the doggos!
Today was a med-long run, totalling 24k. I wanted to test the waters with what I felt my marathon pace could be. It also helped to make the session a lot more interesting. I mixed up running on the grass and road. Grass for the warm up, easy running and cool down. Road for all the work! This prevented me from pounding the pavements too much. It was also really nice weather again, so I figured I may aswell make the most of it. (The picture below was taken from the Harrogate Park Run team on the same day and they kindly let me use it for my blog. However, I did run exactly where the picture was taken, I promise!)
The session went like this:
5k Warm Up
5k@MP (marathon pace)
5k Easy Running
4k Cool Down
The session went great and I felt like the pace was close to what I could hold. More testing of the waters needed over a much longer distance to even start making guesses at a predicated race time though.
Thursday Threshold! The toughest session of the week as it really pushes me - but that's why I love it so much. I had been looking forward to this session all week. Four lots of 10 minutes at Threshold Pace. A chance to let loose and tinker with some efforts! I ran all intervals well apart from the last one where I fizzled out around 8 minutes into the effort. I'll maybe try to run a tad slower next time round. A cool boost to the session came from a little chap around 7/8 years old. He ran alongside me on the cycle path for about a minute after running past him and his family. He not only left his family and gave chase, he kept up! I don't know how he held the pace I was running at for a minute, but absolutely loved the high five he gave me when he started to fade off (I was secretly dying too but didn't want the little lad to know that!)
Friday at Fountains Abbey is becoming a bit of a welcome habit recently. My third time here in 3 weeks. I would like it to stay that way if possible, as these runs are so scenic it doesn't ever feel like running. It was an hour easy run. This is great as the easy pace helps me find new routes and enjoy the spectacular views. I ended up running through the deer park and off road for some of it and realised I have much more terrain to explore. A perfect friday!
Today was recovery day all round. I recovery ran around the reservoirs in the morning covering 14k. Followed by a session with Mihai from Graft Haus later that day. I learn so much from this guy! He understands the needs of anyone that trains hard and often, and we find the optimal ways to activate muscles, release joints, promote recovery and stay injury free throughout my very demanding marathon training block. Today he used a tecnhnique called Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM). A post for another day, but in short, it's a technique that uses instruments to effectively break down fascial restrictions and scar tissue. In the picture he is breaking down those in my feet. It can hurt, sometimes hurt a lot. Is it worth it? Absolutely.
Writing this blog on a saturday night I haven't yet done this session but I have 30k planned at very easy pace. I may pick up the pace at the end if the feeling strikes. No problems if not. The goal is to cover the distance and enjoy the run. I hope to run a new route!
Week 4 Total Distance:
Monthly Total For February:
Some fun facts for the monthly total. Throughout February the distance covered means I could have ran from my house to the coast of Belgium! (with a little swim across the ocean.) Which is equivalent to the length of 5,050 Jumbo Jets!