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Taper Tips For Race Week

1. Sleep well and often.

2. Stay hydrated. Using an electrolyte tablet daily is a good choice too, especially if it's warm.

3. Think positive and trust the training you've done. Let the taper do its job.

4. Increase your carb intake, but don’t overdo it.

5. Eat your last biggest meal on the Friday night, not the Saturday.

6. Stick with what you know, try nothing new, both in training and diet.

7. Try a small run the day before the race.

8. Plan your travel to the hotel and start line. And the nearest pub! (for post-race beers)

9. Decide on a pace you’ll be running at and dial in on that pace during race day. If you are not aiming for a time, simply go with a pace you can hold a conversation at and enjoy it.

10. Get all your race kit ready and be prepared for all racing conditions.

11. The expo isn’t the time to start buying new kit for the race, if you buy anything save it for after the run!

12. Make Vaseline your friend. Trust me

13. Cut your toe nails a week before. This is a very under rated tip.

14. Study your race day hydration and gel strategy. Plan when and where you’ll be taking in your gels and sports drinks/water. Just like you have done on your long runs.

15. Mentally prepare. Your body must be prepared and fit but so does your mind.

16. Don’t panic. Most people running a marathon will have a little blip at some point, whether that’s before the race or during the race. If you experience a bad spell during the run, remember all the efforts and training you’ve put in. It will be that training that will help you through the situation.

17. Enjoy your race!

Let me hear some of your taper tips for race week...

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